Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Avril Lavigne Knows How To Stay Culturally Relevant

     Not a lot to say about this one. Avril Lavigne is on the cover of Maxim Magazine's November issue. 
     I realize that Avril Lavigne has about as much to do with punk music as a turd on the sidewalk has to do with international diplomacy, but she has to do with this blog in that I'm the one writing it, and I always figured at this point in my life she and I would be married, or at least cheating on our spouses with each other. 
     I don't know when the last time I actually heard an Avril Lavigne song was, or if she's meant to be coming out with a new album, but it looks like she has a new flat stomach to show off, which is all you need in order to stay culturally relevant these days. Throw on some eyeliner there, baby you got yourself a cover story. I mean, what kind of musician actually wants to put out music, anyway?
     If anyone picks up this magazine, let me know what it contains. Due to some misguided notion of self worth, I consider myself above picking up this magazine at a magazine stand, but I'm not above reading about it on the Internet.
     Alright, this blog has officially devolved into nonsense. Now ain't that a kick in the head?

1 comment:

  1. If you thought you'd be married by now... might as well just pick up the magazine.
